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Games on Saturday, February 1, 2025

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Friday, May 3, 2024 12:44:06 AM After play-in games, each team will be assigned a power level between the numbers 1-4. Teams with a power level of four are at the highest level of play, while teams with a power level of one, two, or three are at recreational, highschool, or near a lower collegiate skill level. Once teams are assigned a power level, all teams will compete to increase their power level to finalize their position prior to playoffs. Depending on a teams end of season power level, teams will gain entry into 1-4 playoff tournaments. Teams can increase their power level by beating other teams to gain what are known as power points. The power points gained by winning are equal to each team's starting level. For example: Power Level 2 Team vs Power Level 2 Team Winner will receive: +2 power points Loser receives: No points Power level 4 Team vs Power Level 4 Team Winner will receive: +4 power points Loser receives: No power points In some instances, teams with lower levels will have the opportunity to play up one level to gain more power points. In this scenario, if the lower level team loses, they lose no points and the winning higher level team receives power points equal to the lower level teams starting power level. However, if the higher level team loses to a lower level team, the higher level team will lose power points equal to half of their starting power level while the lower level team gains points equal to the higher level teams starting power level. For example: Power Level 1 team vs Power Level 2 team Winner: Power Level 2 team Winner receives: 1 power point Loser receives: nothing Or Winner: Power Level 1 team Winner receives: 2 power points Loser receives: -1 power point
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